Financial Services Products

Personal Insurance

Ensuring your private possessions are adequately covered.

We cover everything from the structure of your home including your contents. Your digital devices, personal possessions, Rolex watches including your road bike can be fully covered.

We offer the complete tailor made solution to fit your lifestyle. Travelling in Hong Kong and dropped your cellphone? Don’t stress, we have a solution for that too.

Commercial Insurance

Multi-National corporate? Neighbourhood Shop or Home Industry, we cater for every business.

From a fleet of delivery vehicles  to liability insurance for a new building project our team has the expertise and knowledge to guide you through every step of the insurance process.

We also offer specialised cover for body corporates, jewellers, hotels even your local pet shop.

Medical Insurance

Your most prized asset besides that shiny Gold or Platinum Watch is undoubtedly your health.

We deal with only the best most trusted medical aid companies in South Africa, this ensures that in the unforeseen circumstance that you end up in hospital you can rest assured that you will leave with no bills.

Our Team is kept up to date on all the latest news and information in the Medical Aid Industry and equipped with the industry knowledge to guide you along your selection process.

Life Insurance

You make sure your car is locked, house well secured and armed so why haven’t you secured your families future?

We specialise in estate planning and consolidation of your long term insurance portfolio and have seen many families continue to live their lives after the untimely passing of the a bread winner in the family.

We believe firmly in securing your families future and leaving nothing to chance. Give us a call today and deal directly with our groups Managing Members to setup a meeting.

Long-Term Products

When we say our group deals with every facet of insurance we really do mean it.

From Key-Man Insurance, Buy & Sell Agreements, Annuities to Term based life insurance we have every solution to the problem you may encounter.

We have a specialised team handling our Pension & Provident Fund divisions, our experience of our staff collectively exceeds over 120 Years!

Looking for Unit Trusts? We offer Shariah and conventional products to suit your requirements


The Islamic alternative to conventional insurance.

This product is available to everyone and ranges from Personal takaful, Commercial Takaful all the way to Takaful Travel.

For more information on the origins of this cover and available products please follow our link.