Shari’ah Board
The following distinguished individuals have been chosen to supervise the Shariah aspects on our products and procedures:
Mufti Yusuf Suliman
Yusuf Suliman serves as Head of Shari’ah for Barclays Africa and Element Investment Managers. He was appointed as Acting Managing Director of Absa Islamic Banking in 2013.
He serves on the Shari’ah Boards of the Bank of Maldives, Shari’ah Investments Ltd (Malawi) and Melville Douglas. He is also a consultant to various Islamic Financial Institutions. He developed the Islamic Banking training material for all South African Banks, having been contracted by BANKSETA.
He previously served on the Shari’ah Boards of the Momentum Investment Cluster including RMB and Advantage. He is one of few Scholars in SA accredited as Certified Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor by AAOIFI.
He also holds Certificates in Qadha (adjudication) from Jamiatul-Imaam, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and Imarat Shari’ah, Patna, Bihar (India) and has completed Iftaa(issuance of verdicts) at Darul Uloom Zakariyya, Lenasia (South Africa)
Mufti Ahmed Suliman
Mufti Ahmed Suliman completed his Aalim and Mufti course at Darul Uloom Zakariyya. He then served Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) – Council of Muslim Theologians for three years as a member of the Fatwa and Judicial committee. Mufti Ahmed is well known amongst the scholars of the country for his services rendered in the field of Islamic Banking, Takaful and Investments. He has advised all of the big four big banks and Investec Bank in South Africa and other banks internationally (like Stanbic Nigeria, Stanbic Tanzania, Macquarie Singapore, Gulf African Bank Kenya, etc.) in developing Shari’ah compliant offerings. He also developed the Takaful model used in South Africa in 2003 by Takaful South Africa (now Takaful Africa). This model was the first of its kind to be used in the world and has now gained international recognition and is used by many takaful operators internationally.
Mufti Ahmed serves as the internal Shari’ah scholar to FNB Islamic Banking and is also a Shari’ah Supervisory Board member to a number of Islamic Unit trust and investment companies in and out of South Africa.
Mufti Zubair Bayat
Mufti Zubair Bayat is the director of DIRECT (Darul-Ihsan Research and Education Centre) and it is in this capacity that he serves as an adviser to numerous Islamic bodies.
Mufti Ashraf Qureshi
Mufti Ashraf is currently the head of the fatawa department at the institute of Islamic Studies in Springs and a lecturer at the same institution since 2008. He serves as a Shariah Board Member of various Islamic Finance Institutions including Absa Islamic Banking, Element Investment Managers, National Bank of Commerce (Tanzania) and 27 Four.
He holds a Bachelor and Master of Arts from the University of Karachi specialising in Higher Islamic Studies and has completed a course in the issuance of Islamic rulings and verdicts under the tutorship of Mufi Taqi Usmani.
Sheikh Tauha Karan (Chairman)
Sheikh Tauha is a member of the Fatwa Committee of the Muslim Judicial Council, Cape Town. He was a Lecturer in Fiqh and Hadith at the Islamic College of Southern Africa and founder and principal of Dar al-Uloom al-Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah in Cape Town. Sheikh Tauha graduated Cum Laude in Islamic Studies from the Darul Uloom Deoband in India and completed a post graduate diploma at the Higher Institute of Islamic Studies in Cairo.
Sheikh Tauha is a Shari’ah Board member of various Islamic Financial institutions, including Absa Islamic Banking and Kagiso Asset management.